Our Story
The year is 1935, and Richard Piossek is standing in front of the anvil in a small forge, swinging a hammer. The smell of fire and iron is in the air. Full of passion, he creates unique tools such as pliers, locks, horseshoes and much more using traditional craftsmanship.
Every single product is absolutely unique and of incomparable quality. As it is only possible with real handwork. You are probably wondering what this story has to do with the adelmayer brand.
We don’t want to keep you in suspense for too long. It’s simple – because Mr. Piossek was the great-grandfather of Florian Butza, the founder of adelmayer.

And since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, it’s no wonder that Florian discovered his passion for traditional craftsmanship virtues such as performance, quality and reliability at a very early age. He seems to have been born with a particular penchant for high-quality knives. As a native of Solingen, Florian has grown up with knives since his earliest childhood.
Outstanding quality has always been very important to him. And although he comes from the city of Solingen, which is also called the city of blades because of its long knife tradition, he simply couldn’t find what he was looking for in an absolute quality knife.
There was always something that bothered him about the knives. If the feel was good, the sharpness and edge retention were lacking. If the sharpness was good, it was the hardness of the steel that was lacking, and so on. No knife met his high standards.
In the end, there was only one thing left for him to do: get creative and put the project into action himself. And even if it took a lot of discipline, persistence and effort.
Florian kept at it. He researched, tried things out and was only satisfied with the best. And this effort was not to go unrewarded. In the end, he succeeded in having an absolute premium knife of incomparable quality developed.
A damask knife with an exceptional balance, incredible quality and a luxurious-looking design. Since then, Florian has continued to refine his skills and has become a true knife expert, thinking of every little detail. He works exclusively with high-quality materials and still guarantees an unbeatable price-performance ratio.

In the end, there was only one thing left for him to do: get creative and put the project into action himself. And even if it took a lot of discipline, persistence and effort.
Florian kept at it. He researched, tried things out and was only satisfied with the best. And this effort was not to go unrewarded. In the end, he succeeded in having an absolute premium knife of incomparable quality developed.
A damask knife with an exceptional balance, incredible quality and a luxurious-looking design. Since then, Florian has continued to refine his skills and has become a true knife expert, thinking of every little detail. He works exclusively with high-quality materials and still guarantees an unbeatable price-performance ratio.

In 2017, Florian finally founded the company adelmayer (as a 1-man business). Knife lovers from all over Germany quickly took notice of him. From hobby cooks to renowned chefs, everyone was enthusiastic about his premium knives. After all, behind his products are many days and weeks in which they have found their way from the first idea to production with great attention to detail.
That’s why kitchen utensils from adelmayer are not products you can buy off the shelf. They were developed with regard to their use, namely to make everyday kitchen life easier. And that’s not all: With adelmayer, cooking becomes a real way of life.
(The fact that these high-quality products have a raison d’être is demonstrated by the many positive customer feedbacks on the market. We always have an open ear for you as our customers – be it praise or criticism. That’s why we always involve you in decision-making processes via social media channels).
Deshalb sind Küchenutensilien von adelmayer auch keine Produkte, die man von der Stange kaufen kann. Sie wurden im Hinblick auf ihren Nutzen, nämlich den Küchenalltag zu erleichtern, entwickelt. Und damit nicht genug: Mit adelmayer wird Kochen zum echten Lebensgefühl.
(Dass diese hochwertigen Produkte eine Daseinsberechtigung haben, zeigt sich in den vielen positiven Kundenrückmeldungen am Markt. Für Sie als unsere Kunden haben wir stets ein offenes Ohr – sei es Lob oder Kritik. Daher binden wir Sie über die Social Media Kanäle auch immer wieder in Entscheidungsprozesse ein.)